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Other Scientific Contributions

1. Number of Proceeding Publications is five (5), which are published in various online journals.


2. Number of papers presented in conferences/symposium is fifteen (15), which are presented various internation conferences.


3. Number of abstract published in conferences is five (5), which are published in various conferences.


4. Number of attended seminars and workshops is six (6).


5. Number of papers reviewed as a reviewer is thirty five (35), on following journals: Applied Surface Science – 1, Solid State Sciences – 1, Journal of Alloys and Compounds – 27, Journal of Solid State Chemistry – 2, Nano-science and Nanotechnology Letters -1, Journal of Nano-science and Nanotechnology – 2, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids – 1.


6. Number of invited talk presentation is four (4), which are presented in following countries: China, Croatia, India.


7. Organizing Committee Member in Conference: International Conference on the Applications of the Mossbauer Effect (ICAME 2019), 01-06 September, 2019, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Dalian, China.


8. Webinar Organization as organizing secretary: National webinar on “Assembled Advanced Organic Materials” on 06th June 2020 conducted by Department of Chemistry, National College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.


9. Number of webinars attended is seven (7) during COVID-19 pandemic period.  


National College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli

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