My research work is mainly focusing on four main sections; first section on the preparation of room temperature ferromagnetic metal oxide coupled nanocomposites and metal doped TiO2 by simple hydrothermal method; a second section on the interfacial electron transfer (IFET) mechanism has been probed using UV and visible light excited anatase TiO2 and transition metal complex in water; a third section on synthesis and characterization of single site transition metal oxide grafted on TiO2 by photochemical method and the last section on hydrothermally and photochemically prepared nanocomposite materials apply on energy and environment applications. Hence, I have very good research experience and expertise particularly in the fields of synthesis of nanocomposites, photocatalysts, magnetism and Mössbauer spectroscopy.
Dr. A. S. Ganeshraja is the Chairman of the Universal Intellectuals Trust (UIT), a national nonprofit organization that seeks to identify and close opportunity and achievement in the fields of education, research, and social works. He is one of the Editor in Scientific News Blog.

Nanomaterial Photocatalysts
Nanostructured photocatalysts have attracted ever-growing research attention in the application of solar energy for water disinfection, solar cell, environmental remediation etc.
2014 - 2018 Postdoctoral Researcher
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics
Mössbauer Effect Data Center
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian, China
Semiconductor Heterostructures
Semiconductor heterostructures have attracted intensive research attention during the past few years owing to their great potential for energy and environmental remediation related applications.
2007 - 2014 PhD Research Scholar
Pondicherry University
Department of Chemistry
Kalapet, Puducherry, India
Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Since its discovery, Mössbauer spectroscopy has proven to be a powerful technique in many aspects of chemistry, physics, and biology.
2001 - 2006 UG & PG Degrees
Gandhigram Rural Institute
Department of Chemistry
Gandhigram, Dindigul
Tamil Nadu, India
The Chemistry of Energy Conversion
The sustainable development of our society requires the conversion and storage of renewable energy, and these should be scaled up to serve the global primary energy consumption.